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The Gerrard Society

The Gerrard Society

The founders of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill had a vision. And for over 200 years, planned gifts to the University have helped fulfill that vision and create the legacy that is Carolina.

The tradition began in 1797 when Major Charles Gerrard made a generous bequest. In his will, he left the University a large tract of land, much of which he had received for his Revolutionary War service. When the University sold the land several decades later, the money was used to build Gerrard Hall next to South Building.

This bequest from Charles Gerrard and the planned gifts that others have made to the University have helped to build Carolina and to strengthen its mission of teaching, research and public service.

The Gerrard Society was established to ensure that the University appropriately recognizes those alumni and friends who have created their own Carolina legacy through documented planned gifts. Countless scholarships, professorships, research funds and programmatic support have been funded with planned gifts created by those who came before us. And, thanks to you and others like you, Carolina will continue to thrive as the leading public university in the nation far into the future - benefiting future generations for years to come. The Gerrard Society honors those who make a documented commitment to the future of the University through:

A future gift from your estate to fund your Carolina Legacy
Gifts you offer through your estate or beneficiary designation. These can include:  
A future gift to fund your Carolina Legacy and provide income to you now
You make a gift to the University and receive income for your life, for the lives of two or more beneficiaries, or a term of years. Now, more than ever, Carolina's future depends on the gifts that alumni and friends make today to benefit the University tomorrow.

For more information on The Gerrard Society or how you can create your Carolina legacy, please contact the Office of Gift Planning.

Office of Gift Planning
Phone: 800/884-9903
Email: [email protected]

Gerrard Society's 2019 Reception